About Us

Who We Are?

Why We Are?

We are a group of dreamers with a collective vision; ‘ Participation ‘. We believe that a world without barriers shouldn’t be a luxury but a right. Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We believe that every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society.

To make the world a better place where persons with disabilities are recognized as contributing members of their communities – persons whose rights are respected and are able to enjoy these on equal basis with others. The main objective of Non-profit Organization for social Empowerment is to uplift and empower the underprivileged by ways of facilitating health care services, education, food security, medical support etc.


Our story

Services Provide by Us

Core area of work

Helping Hands now pursues this goal in a variety of ways. We subdivide our projects into six different project groups: Education, Medical Support, Food Distribution, Women Empowerment, Clothes Distribution and Scholarship.
Medical Camp, Bloosoming (Scholarship for meritorious students), Bloosoming 2.0 (Book Distribution for continue studies) , Run 2.0 (Financial support for the patient), Food Distribution, Clothes Distribution Etc. 

Our Presence

In 2020, the operational focus was on help the people who are suffered for the COVID epidemic. Helping Hands primary and only focus is on East Bardhhaman but currently we are complete our presence in 9 districts in West Bengal and completed 35+ projects so on.

Our Presence



Health camps are conducted at regular intervals to diagnose and treat people with ailments. A large camp is set-up for the entire community, even for neighboring villages to ensure that everyone gets proper care. If a more severe ailment is diagnosed, a prescription is issued and the patients are given referrals to get the right treatment, and at subsidized rates. The foundation provides continuous support through free medication, by conducting the camps regularly and even by following up on referred patients.


Moreover 37% of our funds we utilize for uplift the healthcare system of different parts West Bengal